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An accurate assessment of how much your business is worth

Business Valuation

Business valuation comes into play when taking on new shareholders or attempting to negotiate a liability question. Merger discussions, estate planning, marital dissolution and shareholder equity are all common situations in which under or overvaluing your business can make a world of difference, and that’s why it is important to use an experienced business valuation service like Brighton Bookkeeping Services LLC. We have extensive experience in assessing the values of a wide range of organizations, and we use our knowledge to gather all of the relevant information from both the current day operations of your business and your historical financial data. The team at Brighton Bookkeeping Services LLC are professionals who will take the time to do an objective, in-depth analysis, making sure that we have a full understanding of your business and then documenting our findings in a way that makes our assessment and valuation opinion easy to understand and fully defensible. 

Brighton Bookkeeping Services LLC has experience in preparing business valuations for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Management buyouts

  • Leveraged buyout transactions

  • Purchase or sale of closely held businesses or business interests

  • For bank financing applications

  • Restructuring and recapitalization

  • Analysis and advice regarding pending purchase offers

  • Determining the value of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)

  • Medical practice buy-ins

  • Court-appointed dispute resolution

  • Valuation of subsidiaries, joint ventures and divisions for spin-offs or sales to shareholders

  • Disputes and litigation involving minority shareholders

  • Equitable distribution in divorce

  • Bankruptcy

  • Assessing and determining business damage

  • Fraudulent conveyance and solvency analysis

  • Mediation

  • Litigation consulting services

  • Binding arbitration

  • Disputes with the Internal Revenue Service/Reasonable officer compensation determination

Connect with us

You can count on us for professional, timely and reliable tax and accounting services. You can find us at:

112 N Holderrieth Blvd, Suite 1914, Tomball, Texas 77375